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  • Apr 06, 2016
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New Arrivals: African and Tribal Art

This week we are featuring a beautiful collection of newly added items to the website from the African and Tribal Arts. Including a magnificent Mangbetu sculptural vessel in the form of conjoined twins. Highly detailed with an elaborate surface texture and elegant form this is a unique piece whose two headed visage only serves to heighten its whimsical mystique. Including separated bracelets, an ornate shoulder strap, and intricate scarification marks along the abdomen with a highly detailed coiffure this sculpture is both refined yet dynamic and stately yet vibrant. As a perfect counterpoint we feature a stirking Deangle face mask from the Dan. The Deangle – with her oval face, slitted eyes, and metal teeth – is a benevolent female spirit who acts as intermediary between young people undergoing initiation and the village. When she participates in a ritual ceremony, she undergoes a transformation and is renamed Bonagle. She neither sings nor dances but seeks food from the women; chasing them around the village, joking and teasing them in the spirit of fun. Her face is delicate and smooth, her eyes touched with a hint of mischief, her mouth open in amusement and gaiety. This mask is wonderfully simple, with perfectly exaggerated and abstracted forms to amplify the desired effects. It comes from a long line of masterful wooden mask carving by the Dan.

To see the rest of the selections click on the photos below or visit our African and Tribal Art Collection for more detailed information.

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